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Climatology is concerned with studying the climate, and then to describe the average conditions of the various atmospheric parameters (air temperature, humidity, pressure, wind, precipitation, etc.) that characterize a particular geographic region, obtained from homogeneous measurements for long periods of time. These conditions determine, therefore, mainly flora and fauna, but also influence the economic activities, habits and culture of the population.
The common usage of the Italian language often tends to confuse weather with climate,while their respective meanings are quite distinct. The main parameter that characterizes them is the chronological time. Quando ci si riferisce al tempo meteorologico, infatti, l'intervallo cronologico รจ quello delle ore e dei giorni, mentre, parlando di clima, la base temporale deve essere adeguata a poter descrivere gli elementi costanti che tendono a ripetersi stagionalmente in un dato luogo.
When referring to the weather, in fact, the chronological interval is hour and day, while talking about climate, the time base must be adequate to describe the constant elements that tend to recur seasonally in a given place.
The variability of the climatological elements may be significant from month to month and from year to year. To describe the average climatological condition of one site, the averages (normal) of the different atmospheric parameters, derived from a multi-year series of measurements, are then required.
The collection period should be long enough to allow a representative distribution of the parameters. The lengthening of the period also increases the chance that the averages differ from the current conditions because of the long-term climate changes.
To overcome this, and to allow a comparison of normal values at national and international levels, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has set standard thirty-year periods to determine the normal climatological values. The normal data should thus be calculated using the homogenized data of the respective standard 30-year periods (1901-1930, 1931-1960, 1961-1990).
Normal values are not only used to describe the climate of a particular site or to compare different places with each other, but also serve to define the deviation of the meteorological elements in a given period of time. For this reason, the normal values should be compare with current surveys. If a measuring station undergoes changes of location or detection system, it is essential to adapt the normal values to the new station situation.

The significant and rapid climate changes that are affecting the Earth, to which the area of Trieste is not immune, have led many institutions to update the climatic averages of the last 30-year period; these pages present the mean values of some of the main meteorological parameters relative to the Trieste and Borgo Grotta Gigante (275 m height, Trieste Karst) for the 1971-2000 period.

This work was performed in the framework of ADRIAMET project of PIC INTERREG IIIA Adriatic Cross-border, funded by the European Regional Development Fund. The chosen station fulfil the homogeneity standards about data collection and site situation and hold continuous data series starting even before the 30-year period used for reference (Trieste Sede ISMAR since 1841, Borgo Grotta Gigante since 1967) For this reason it was decided to create the database database, as a further means of data access, primarily for educational and media purposes, in order to quickly obtain such information.

Climatic study by Renato R. Colucci and Emilio Caterini

Database management software by Stefano Deiuri (Elettra S.p.A.)

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